How to Customize a Woocommerce Category Page for Your WordPress Site

How to Customize a Woocommerce Category Page for Your WordPress Site


Customizing the Woocommerce Category Page? Yes, you heard it right about customizing category page getting you benefits like never before. Want to know more about it? This blog is for you. While going to an online store, you must have looked for the category page that takes you to the desired product in less time. This category page has higher benefits when you customize it. Optimizing or customizing other pages like product pages, shop pages, checkout pages, and more are common. What’s new is the ability to customize the category page in Woocommerce so that it holds a good weight in boosting your site. This not only raises the online appearance but also works well in terms of SEO. So, here in this blog, you will study in-depth insights on how to customize the category page on your site. 

What is a Woocommerce Category Page? 

As a customer, you must have visited multiple online stores intending to purchase something. In contrast, websites have a feature where users can easily find their desired product in the category list. This category list is kindly separated on a page where a grid layout of various categories is listed with media integration. 

Woocommerce, too, allows this feature in its configuration to display products as categories and sub-categories. Also, it allows for a separate category page along with its customization. At the same time, this category page is highly beneficial when it comes to having a perfect Woocommerce page. 

Learn how to create product category in Woocommerce in our previous guide. It has a detailed explanation of step by step process.

Why Customize Woocommerce Category Pages in WordPress?

Creating a category page not only gives an organized view but also comes with a lot of benefits. Here are some of the benefits you need to know about creating a customized WooCommerce page. 

1. Encourage Sales 

Forming category pages is all the more beneficial to boosting sales on your site. Every time a user visits your site, look for the perfect guide to reach the desired product. With the clear mindset of searching for a particular product to purchase, it directly hits the category page. This is the page where the user finds the right product without spending much time. 

Whereas the product pages or the shop pages have hundreds of products to look at, finding the desired one is time-consuming. It is even observed that category pages have more traffic as compared to the shop and product pages. So, maintaining category pages on your Woocommerce store can boost sales. 

2. Improves SEO 

Do you know category pages can even be a bridge to improved SEO? I am sure you might not know that Woocommerce category pages can be part of SEO too. You must have heard or worked on optimizing product pages so that SEO counts well. 

Optimizing category pages with the right optimized content was even praised well by search engines. You have put a little content on the category pages; instead, putting some more keyword-optimized content can be helpful. This is highly beneficial, and search engines would love to count while looking around your site. 

3. Boosts Appearance 

With the above two benefits of having a custom woocommerce category page, you must have known that the category page is a priority. While designing a website, it is kept in mind to innovate and decorate the shop or product pages. But let me break the ice for you: focusing on innovating the category pages too can boost the overall appearance. And most importantly, Google sometimes places the category pages on priority as compared to the shop pages. In short, getting the same good appearance for the category pages can make your store eye-catching. 

Why Consider Customizing Your Woocommerce Category Page on Your Website? 

Here are some of the exposures you must build custom category pages on your website. 

1. To Display Additional Information 

Category pages are mostly filled with minimal content that needs to be extended with a click. At times, more than this minimal information is needed to specify the category or products for the users. You need to showcase additional details related to the category, which can be done using the custom category page. 

2. To Display Product Variations 

Even category pages are highly praised when you have products with many variations to add. This means the product will be easily available to the user without consuming much time. Usually, it requires too much time to search for a particular product, and that too with the right variation you are looking for. But with the right category page, the website directly takes you to the product page without going through routes. 

3. To Sell Non-Visual Products 

At times, you are selling non-visual products such as media products, audiobooks, music, and more. Such products require more detailing, while the thumbnail view doesn’t work enough to showcase the category. Whereas the grid view only displays the thumbnail, which lacks the perfect details. At this time, you need to organize the category section neatly using a customized category page. Here, you can list out more and more details about the non-visual products with a custom category page. 

How Do I Customize a Woocommerce Category Page? 

WordPress themes frequently include integrated customization options specifically designed for WooCommerce pages. VW Themes stands out by offering highly customizable premium WordPress themes that seamlessly integrate with WooCommerce. These themes are renowned for their user-friendly interfaces and advanced shop page layouts. Here’s a detailed guide on how to customize WooCommerce category pages using VW Themes:

Step 1: Navigate to WooCommerce Settings

  • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Click on "Appearance" and then "Customize".
  • Look for the WooCommerce settings or options provided by your theme. Some themes integrate WooCommerce customization directly into the Customizer.

Step 2: Customize Shop Page Layout

  • In the Customizer, find the options related to WooCommerce or Shop settings. This might be under "WooCommerce" or "Shop" depending on your theme.
  • You can typically customize aspects like product grid layout, sidebar placement, number of products per row, etc.

Step 3: Modify Product Category Display

  • Look for options to customize how product categories are displayed. This can include adjusting thumbnail sizes, adding descriptions, or changing the style of category headers.

Step 4: Add Header Images or Banners

  • Many themes allow you to add header images or banners to specific pages, including WooCommerce category pages.
  • In the Customizer, find the section where you can upload a header image or set a banner specifically for the Shop or Product Category pages.

Step 5: Adjust Typography and Colors

  • Customize fonts, colors, and other stylistic elements to match your brand or improve readability.

Step 6: Preview and Save Changes

  • Preview your changes in real-time using the Customizer’s live preview feature.
  • Once satisfied, save your changes.

Step 7: Add Content to Category Pages (Optional)

  • Some themes allow you to add custom content or widgets directly to category pages. Check if your theme supports this and utilize it to provide additional information or promotional content.

Tips to Optimize Woocommerce Category Pages for Good Conversion 

The most vital things to know about optimizing the Woocommerce Category Pages on your site are: 

1. Add descriptive text. 

Adding short and descriptive text to the category pages adds a lot of benefits to your website or online store. What this means is that along with adding media such as images and videos, you must also add a short descriptive text about the product category. 

Adding text along with media raises the UX range on your website, bringing in more users. This is a great tip if you want more and more customers on your site. But make sure to keep the description short and precise; otherwise, it will slow down the users. 

Another benefit is that this type of presentation looks appealing, and users love to stay on the page where they find the perfect details.

If you are highly concerned about SEO, this type of presentation is highly appreciated by search engines. Make sure that your content is optimized. 

2. Maintain the Quality of the Product Thumbnail 

No matter in which place you are placing the product images, make sure that the images possess good quality. They have perfect resolution and size, which attracts users to at least visit and encourages purchasing.

These are the smallest details, which are sometimes ignored but matter a lot when it comes to pleasing customers. All your product thumbnails and images used in them must be of the same size and resolution. Do not ever compromise on quality, as quality can encourage customers to visit and stay on your page. And when it comes to the physical products, the criteria become thinner, and the images must have a live feel. 

3. Add a header image. 

Adding a header image is another vital benefit that enhances the entire presence of your Woocommerce category page. What this means is that adding a product category image along with text is beneficial. However adding the header image looks more appealing, and users can be assured that they have visited the right category page. Also, it raises the overall presence of the most beneficial page and engages users on your site. 

4. Linking to Potential Pages 

Sometimes, users are more interested in your website by looking at the presentation of the category page. Although adding descriptive text and images is enough to convince the users, adding links to the potential pages can be beneficial. 

Users looking for additional details like customer reviews or any link to potential pages make them stay more on your site. In short, adding links to the potential pages boosts the user experience on your site. 


So, that was all about customizing the Woocommerce Category page, which brings a lot of benefits to your online store. Your online store has tons of creative elements that enhance its overall presence. It includes the shop, product, checkout pages, and more creative elements to count on. Out of those, you must have neglected the category page, which has all product categories. This page is the most visited when the user has a specific desire for your online store. At this time, a category page has more weight as compared to other pages on your site. Also, this is said to have boosted experience, traffic, and appearance. Also, when properly customized and made to the standards, this page can be counted by search engines too. This blog has told the entire story of how a customized category page can help in positive terms. Also, we have added a complete guide on how to customize the category page on your site. 

When looking to customize your category page effectively, consider utilizing the our WP theme bundle. This collection offers some of the best WooCommerce themes available, designed to enhance your shop page with advanced customization options. Whether you're adjusting layouts, integrating banners, or refining product displays, VW Themes provides the tools needed to create a visually appealing and functional online store tailored to your specific needs. Elevate your website's shopping experience and showcase your products in the best possible light with VW Themes.

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