Everyone was already excited about the new WordPress version 6.0neven before its release. This new version just got released a month ago and WordPress has already set a trend, this version also brings you some exciting features as well as improvements. These improvements are done to refine and iterate the features and tools that are introduced in the earlier version. So without much ado, let’s dig deeper and see What Is New In WordPress 6.0. Alongside this so check out Free WordPress Themes by VWThemes for amazing WP themes.

Get To Know What Is New in WordPress 6.0
With the previous releases of WordPress, full site editing has always been the talk of the town since then. This WordPress 6.0 version continues the same path of building upon the groundwork laid by the previous WP version and brings many improvements with the Full site editing. In order to take the advantage of full site editing, you will have to use a block-based theme such as Twenty-Twenty-Two.
Global Style Switcher & Style Variations
This is an exciting feature in the Site editor. Here, you can use theme variations that are derived from one single theme by using various fonts and color combinations. It is similar to having many child themes integrated into a single theme. From now on, you can change the look of your website with a single click.
Theme Export Capability
Its ability to export block themes is a huge improvement. Any template, layout, or changes that you made can be easily saved and exported to a .zip file. To export your theme, go to the Site editor and click the three dots appearing in the top right corner. A menu should appear with the option to download your theme here. we are here with not just this tutorial but also with Premium Wp Themes, have a look!!
New Templates
The ability to use the templates for building your website content is a great advantage as it helps you to save time. This WordPress 6.0 version introduces several more new templates for specific functions. These also include the templates that can be used for displaying posts from a specific category, date, author, tag, etc.
Enhancements In List View
You will see that your blocks are grouped together and collapsed when you access the list view of WordPress 6.0. This surely makes navigating the list view much easier. Apart from this, when you work on the page with the list view option open and click anywhere on the page, it will highlight precisely where you are at present in the list view. Someone who is mostly working on complex pages will surely appreciate this enhancement.
Enhancements In The Block Editor
New Core Blocks
There are many new blocks in WordPress 6.0 including post author biography, avatar, no result in query loop, and read more. Here we want to point you to the new comment query loop block because it further ‘blockifies’ the comment section of your post. This new block has plenty of customization options that will help design the comment section just the way you want.
More features and enhancements
With a lot of enhancements being done to the block editor here, we will mention only a few that are more beneficial for you. Block Locking is the first enhancement that we want to introduce to you. With this, you will be able to lock the block so that it can’t be moved or edited. A padlock is displayed by a locked bock when you click on it. This is a very useful feature especially when you work on reusable blocks. It is also beneficial for preserving design layouts while creating templates or working with clients.
In WordPress 6.0, when you customize a button and add a new one using the plus button, it has the same style as the one you customized. Also, Style retention is yet another cool feature that makes it possible to keep a block’s style while transforming certain blocks from one type to another and vice versa. It works with blocks such as quote, code, list, heading, verse, and pull-quote. Lastly, the cover block can dynamically grab the featured image and set it as a background for the cover block. You just need to select the ‘use featured image’ setting and the rest will be taken care of by WordPress.
Design and layout tools
In the design and layout tools, the following features deserve a mention. The first one is Transparency control for the background as this is useful when you want to use a background with columns. The next one that WordPress 6.0 brings for you is gap support for Gallery block. This means that you will get more control over the spacing of your images. This will give you somewhat more freedom on how you want your image gallery to display. You can take full advantage of these 2 features. Also, learn How To Create Blogs In WordPress with us.
From the above discussion What Is New in WordPress 6.0, we can at least say that full site editing is now part of WordPress core and 6.0. We can also expect many other further improvements in the upcoming versions of WordPress. These improvements can make WordPress more useful and effective in website making.
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