Whenever we visit any website there’s an image which asks us to confirm if we are really human. It feels stupid to click on something that says ‘I am not robot’. But its completely necessary. This protects your website from external attacks. But as technology updates the bots have found a way to subvert this CAPTCHA. That’s why we need to install Google invisible reCAPTCHA on WordPress website. Here’s how you can do that!

Install Google Invisible reCAPTCHA:
We are truly blessed to have plugins for anything. To install Google invisible reCAPTCHA on WordPress website, you will first need to install and activate a plugin for it. It is a very simple process to download and install plugin in WordPress website.
Just go to the dashboard of your WordPress website, navigate to the Plugin tab. Click on in and you will see a drop-down menu. From there select Add new. On the appeared window, you will find a search bar, type Google invisible reCAPTCHA on it and click on search.
The plugin will appear on screen. Click on download, then install and then activate it. After this go to Settings of your dashboard. There you will find a new label named Invisible reCATPCHA. From there you will be able to configure the plugin.
Now, the next step is to authenticate your WordPress website to get Site key and Secret Key. You also need to connect your website with Google as you are using their product.
For this, log into your account and click on the link- https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin#list
Here register your website by simply entering your domain name. It will offer you different types of invisible reCAPTCHA, select one of them. Accept the terms and conditions of the service and click on register.
After the registration you will find new site page with site key and secret key. Copy them and paste in the reCAPTCHA settings as said before.
Manage Google Invisible reCAPTCHA on WordPress:
This Google invisible reCAPTCHA on WordPress will give you choice to put it on whichever page of your website. You can manage this effectively with some easy steps.
Just go to the Settings of your WordPress and select the needed pages. From there you can manage Woocommerce, custom forms and other tabs as well. By selecting all the options here you will see reCAPTCHA on every option. It will appear mainly on log in page, registration, password reset, comment and product review forms.
If the user has failed to prove that its human, then reCAPTCHA will appear to prove it. From the Settings tab you can even reposition reCAPTCHA if you want. It will mostly appear on bottom left or Inline of the default bottom right. If you choose the badge position inline you can restyle the reCAPTCHA badge with Custom CSS.
If you want the Google invisible reCAPTCHA to appear but not on all the pages you can manage that as well. You just need to use a special code in Badge Custom CSS. That code is-
But you can’t hide the reCAPTCHA badge from your website. Doing this you will violate the terms of Google reCAPTCHA.
By following these simple steps you will be able to install Google invisible reCAPTCHA on WordPress. But there are some things you should know.
While setting up your WordPress website you need to make sure that it will be safe and secure to use. For this you need to have SSL encryption. Installing Google invisible reCAPTCHA will provide your website an extra protection from hackers and scams.
Every second website uses some kind of reCAPTCHA for protection from bot attacks, spams which can result in DDOS attack. This will make your whole website crash down.
The traditional CAPTCHA can be solved by bots. There are bots programmed for this purpose. That’s why having invisible reCAPTCHA is a better option. Setting up an invisible reCAPTCHA is not that hard if you follow earlier process. With this invisible reCAPTCHA you easily configure tools and manage where it will be placed. You will be able to customize it easily.
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