WordPress! A place where businesses or amazing personalities make their mark on World Wide Web. They create their own identities on the internet with WordPress Themes. WordPress that is WP has its own themes for customers. But without any knowledge about coding and programming you can’t practically handle it. That’s where theme making companies play a crucial role. They provide customer friendly website theme in which you don’t need to know much about coding. In this blog, we will see how to add widgets WordPress website.
Along with single, professional WP themes, these companies make WordPress Theme bundles too. In these WP theme bundles they collect all the essential WP themes for customers in a very affordable price. WordPress theme bundle is like a complete package for customers who are willing to pay for various website themes for their projects.
It contains all the features that one would want in their website to perform good. There are thousands of companies around the world who create these bundles and sell it. It’s a big market if you really dig into.
WordPress themes are sold on a big scale. You need to know everything about WordPress before engaging into it.
Now widgets can seem a small part of a big establishment that is website. In WordPress you will have the tools and options to manage widgets. But if you don’t understand the need for it, it’s all waste.
Widgets in WordPress website play a very important role. Widgets in WordPress website help you in featuring the content in attractive and sorted manner. WordPress provides certain widgets for categories, posts, page, popular posts etc. But if you want to, you can take help from some plugins.
Here we are going to see how to add widgets to your WordPress website.
How To Add Widgets To Your WordPress Website?
To add Widgets to your WordPress, you need to follow simple way. For this first you need to go into your ‘Dashboard’. There spot the tab for Appearance and click on it. A sidebar will open. In that sidebar select ‘Widgets’. You will get a list of widgets available.
These Widgets will be arranged as per the location where you want them in your website. These theme widgets are spotted in the Widget friendly areas. Now you need to add widgets into your sidebar. For this you just have to drag-and-drop the widgets to the sidebar. That’s the one way of adding widgets to your WordPress website.
Other way is to right click on the sidebar you want to add widget to. Then select add widget and the job will be done.
You can add widgets to your WordPress website by using the Accessibility mode. To use this mode, you need to go into Dashboard and in Appearance. Go into Widgets and find the Screen option on the right corner of the page. Make sure that the screen option menu is active.
If its not active, then press L on the keyboard. This will open the Help desk from the top menu of screen option. There click on tab and then Enter key. This will activate the screen option menu.
After activating the screen option menu, you will find the tab for enabling Accessibility mode. Click on enter and it will open new interface for widget screen. The advantage of activating this option is that you can open the widgets in new tab. You just have to click on Add link beside every widget. After opening the widget in new tab you can configure its settings easily.
With this method you will be able to choose where to put the widgets in the sidebar.
You can add widgets in WordPress website by using customization too. For this you need to go into Appearance and select Customization. Here you will have the benefit of previewing the widgets after adding. Though using widget page instead of customizer is more recommended.
How To Customize Widgets In WordPress Website?
In case you don’t like the appearance of a widget or you want to delete it from the sidebar; you can do it with few simple steps. You just have to click on the widget title. There you will find a way to customize it.
For deleting widgets, select the widget you want to remove. There click on delete button you will find in the settings. After this the widget will be gone from the sidebar along with its settings.
If you want to keep the widget settings but delete the widget, there’s a way for that too. For this you just need to drag-and-drop the widget into Inactive Widget area. This will deactivate the widget and make it stay in the inactive list. The widget will be removed from the sidebar, but remain in the list in case you want to activate it again.
Widgets in your WordPress website play very important role. That’s why it’s always beneficial for you to have control over them. You can do this by adding some helpful plugins. Let’s see some of our recommendations for it!
Recent Post Widgets With Thumbnails-
This is one of the user friendly plugins you will find for adding and managing widgets in your WordPress website. This plugin has more than 70k installations.
With this plugin you can add widgets to posts and pages. This plugin will make all the limitations of the widget ready areas demolish. You will be able to add widgets in your WordPress theme freely.
After activating the plugin, go to the plugin menu from dashboard and add widget on the page. Then add the widgets in the designated widget page area. Here you can copy-paste the short code for the widget on the page or post you want.
Widget Short Codes-
This will help you with the short-code and ID. This plugin will generate the Widget ID by itself. So you just need to copy the short-codes and paste them where you want to put your widget.