WordPress 5.7 “Esperanza”: Freshly Baked WordPress

The official WordPress 5.7 “Esperanza” is finally released on March 9, 2021. Now you can update to WordPress 5.7, and here's what's changing in this new release, as well as what's new and changed. It brings major updates for 40% of the world web. The WordPress 5.7 is Named after the inspiring jazz bassists Esperanza Spalding. The WordPress new release comes with important editor updates and long-awaited enhancements to the core. The release squad which was led by WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg, has been working hard to ensure that the both users and developers would be benefited from the new features and fixed issues. There are 66 enhancements and feature requests and more than 130 bugs are fixed in this WordPress 5.7 version. WordPress releases this new version to make developers happy. So, Let’s have a look at this.

Updating To The WordPress 5.7- Made Simple And Easier:

Updating the WordPress to its newer version is very simple and easier. You just have to click the Update Now Button to update to WordPress 5.7. You can find this button on the Update page from your wp dashboard. The very first thing you should keep in your mind is to back up your files and database before updating to its newer version. During the Update period and time, you will be in maintenance mode.

You should also know the server requirements of WordPress 5.7. To run this, you should have Apache or Nginx installed in your PC. Other requirements are that the PHP version should be PHP version 7.4 or greater than that. If you don’t have the same, please upgrade it to the higher version. For the Database you should have MySQL version 5.6 OR Maria DB version 10.1 or greater. This are the basic requirements before running the WordPress 5.7 in your server.

Robots API

WordPress Releases its new version which include a new function. A new function is introduced which will allow programmatic control of the robots meta tag. This function is called as wp_robots. It will really excite developers. 

You can Insert “max-image-preview: large” tag by default. So, when in search results thumbnails will get displayed, you will able to see the large images.

<meta name="robots" content="max-image-preview: large">

You can use the following filter to disable max-image-preview.

remove filter (‘wp_robots', 'wp_robots_max_image_preview_large’);

Lazy Loading Of Iframe

WordPress latest version features also include lazy loading of iframe. iframe is used when inserting videos from YouTube, etc. iframe is lazy loading, which speeds up the initial display of the page.

In WordPress 5.7, “loading=” lazy”” is automatically added to the iframe tag. In WordPress 5.7, the height and width should be defined in the iframe tag.

Using the following lines of code, you can easily disable the lazy loading of iframe.

function disable_post_content_iframe_lazy_loading ($default, $tag_name, $context) {

    if (‘iframe' === $tag_name && 'the_content' === $context) {

        return false;


    return $default;


add_filter (






Removed jQuery Migrate

In the previous version there was a functionality called “jQuery Migrate”. But as the WordPress Releases download version, this functionality is completely removed. This WordPress releases completely fixed the code that was deprecated in jQuery 3.5.1.

Standardized Colour Palette

When WordPress releases downloaded then you will get another new feature of standardized colour palette. The colour palette used in the admin panel has been consolidated into 12 colours of blue, green, yellow and red and 13 colours of grey, black, and white in the new WordPress 5.7.

Migrating From HTTP to HTTPS Only with A Single Click

As the WordPress releases its new version, it comes with another feature. Now switching your site from HTTP to HTTPS becomes so simple only with one click. All the URLs in the database will also automatically get updated.

Button Blocks

With the WordPress new release, the content within a button can easily be aligned vertically which was not possible in previous version. You can also set the width of the button as a percentage.

Options Changed To Preferences

The versions that came before WordPress 5.7 were having the functionality of “options “. Now in the WordPress new release the name of “Options” has been changed to “Preferences”. You can now set the General, Appearance, Blocks and Panels from Preferences.

Drag and Drop

As the WordPress 5.7 get released another new feature is found and it is the facility of inserting Blocks and Block Patterns by drag and drop.

Social Icons Blocks

In the previous version there was no provision to change the size of the icons in social icon block. But now after the WordPress releases the new version, we can easily change the size of such icons in the social icon block.

Switch Full Height

There are many blocks like cover blocks etc. Now after the WordPress new release, this blocks can be displayed in the entire full window.

More Blocks Are Now Available to Change The Font Size

The WordPress 5.7 also gives us the provision of changing the size of fonts in a block. Now within a block you can change the size of the fonts, such as in List blocks.

Reusable Blocks Are More User-Friendly

In the WordPress new release, when you will click at the “Update” button, the reuse block will automatically get saved at the time of submission.

Conclusion: -

WordPress releases download version of newly released WordPress 5.7. So, have you updated to WordPress new release i.e. WordPress 5.7.? If not, then do it as soon as possible and enjoy the WordPress latest version features. Are you satisfied with the upgrades? What extra could be added? Let us know in comments section. Also let us know which feature of the WordPress 5.7 excites you most?

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