Let's discuss today How To Increase Website Traffic? Top on my wish list is traveling the world because I’ve been wondering about it since the time I was a kid. Next would be a trip to the moon! Pretty cool, yeah and my to-do list goes on. What’s on your list? Perhaps you have better things to do than those of mine.
Fear is what surrounds us when we think about the day which will be our last on the earth. Let’s hope that the day is still far away because I’ve got a bundle of exciting things to do and to learn How To Increase Website Traffic for you that will surely fill you with amazement. So, go through the following things and enjoy the power of WordPress. Check out Premium WordPress Themes by VW Themes.
Basis steps for how to increase website traffic
Write a WordPress Blog
Not to worry if you aren’t ready to start up your website. Well, a tiny blog would be a good initiator for you to begin with. You are free to put down your imagination or any real story into words over WordPress. When you How To Increase Website Traffic encourages blog writing, thereby exploring your ideas. You can display your skills such as creating a portfolio. WordPress.com offers free blog writing for people to take advantage of. Further, you can move over to self-hosted WordPress.
Start a WordPress Website

Now or never! Don’t wait anymore to begin creating your very own website. Apart from being a blogging platform, WordPress is an amazing base to create stunning websites. Even world-class brands have their business websites well established on the How To Increase Website Traffic?. Check out Mobile Friendly Website Templates By VW Themes.
It is a proven way of promoting services and advertising certain products. If you are owning an eCommerce website or just wanted to give your writing career a fresh start, then this could prove beneficial in both ways. Setting up a WordPress website is not rocket science if you have even a little bit of technical knowledge.
With the changing trend, now everyone wants to be in this technical world to showcase their products and services to their customers. In this social world, most people are willing to shop online rather than go into the shop. So, you can estimate how making a secure place in the How To Increase Website Traffic could benefit you.
Post regularly

Though it may seem a bit engaging, its outcome would be phenomenal. All you need to begin with is an editorial calendar and a sufficient amount of time. People always admire real and fresh blogs. So, start writing.
Following the consistency, while doing any work is important and this could be applied here also. If you have decided and stepped into this social world, then it becomes essential to make a regular visit to your website. This includes making necessary updates, posting blogs regularly, and following certain trends. All these things when followed would help you in making your perfect website. If you are new to this field and you don’t have any prior experience in how to handle this effectively, then you can start by writing 2-3 blogs in a week. After a certain period, make it a regular affair.
A Viral WordPress Post!
Until a post goes viral we do not understand its power. It’s amazing when a blog becomes viral. Whatever it may be, finally it comes out to be a great source of online traffic generation. Posts are helpful in providing valuable knowledge to blog readers. Thus, try to create viral posts that could get you millions of social media shares.
WordPress Page Load Speed Optimization
In the process for How To Increase Website Traffic, The WordPress platform site which takes much time to load is very frustrating. If we consider Google search engine rankings, the page load speed matters a lot. You need to do a lot of effort in improving the speed of your WordPress page. Remember speedy websites always rock. You can optimize the speed of your site for swift loading.
Drive plenty of visitors to your site in a couple of weeks
Who would not like to have a website that has millions of followers? Of course, we’d love to. Greater online traffic brings in greater opportunities. And the way to drive in huge traffic is the implementation of great content, with proper SEO and correct marketing.
WordPress Email List

For any business, the priority is to get more people to sign up to the email list. And the How To Increase Website Traffic offers ample email marketing plugins and other services that help you in building an email list.
Join the WordPress Forums
The greatest strength of WordPress lies in its vast community that caters to every need of WordPress clients. If you are willing to help people, join the WordPress forums. Therein, you can give your knowledge and expertise to users who have various WordPress queries. Join hands with the WordPress community and grow with like-minded people.
Contribute to WordPress Core
If you possess web development skills, you can get the way from WordPress to give your bit. WordPress has a guide if you want to contribute to WordPress core. So, don’t keep your knowledge to just yourself, make it reach thousands to make the world better.
Land on a Free WordPress Website
Building Free WordPress websites would be great if you do it for other people. You can make free sites for charity, fundraising, or religious purposes. And see how wonderful you will feel to contribute to society.
WordPress Course
After beginning with blog writing, you acquire ample knowledge in the respective area. On acquiring humongous knowledge, you can even start your online WordPress course such as an eBook to impart your knowledge to needy people. It’s a secondary thing to charge for it or not.
WordPress Belongings
Wouldn’t that be exciting to wear a WordPress branded t-shirt? What say about getting a WordPress tattoo? Sounds different! Such stuff will make your mark among the people.
A picture with Matt Mullenweg!
The founder of the WordPress platform, Mr. Matt Mullenweg could be coming to your town to attend any WordCamp or summit. Don’t miss the chance to get in touch with him personally. You never know that would open gates of new opportunities for you.
Build a WordPress Theme
In today's discussion of How To Increase Website Traffic, You can sell WordPress themes like anything! The themes have great potential to bring revenues for you. Nevertheless, you can begin with creating free WordPress themes as that would open doors for opportunities.
Themes are used to make your presentation more appealing. So, choosing the right theme can make it even more attractive. You might find hundreds of themes online but choosing that perfect one can be the most challenging situation for you. The content for a website needs a very descriptive but short demonstration to make it worth it.
When it comes to choosing a theme that is extremely significant for the growth of your website, it is quite understandable that you will first look for a free WordPress theme that will entail all your needs. But it doesn’t need to contain every element which is essential for an eye-catching home page. To create the WordPress platform perfectly, it is essential to go for a premium theme that will consist of minute detail to make it more user-friendly.
Create a WordPress Plugin

If you are well at coding, you can create a plugin that offers a new feature. Use it on your site or let it be useful for others. If you’re a passionate developer, you can open your own marketplace to sell your themes and premium WordPress plugins.
Earn dollars!
With WordPress blogging, WordPress themes, web designing, WordPress consultation or say anything, you can earn dollars. There are entrepreneurs who are making millions of money over by learning How To Increase Website Traffic.
WordPress SEO
Would you like to bring your blog or site to the top pages in search engines? Of course, yes. So, show your SEO skills and generate more traffic.
Guest Blog
Get featured on a well-known WordPress blog and get exposure by getting in more leads to your brand.
This is just a handful of things you can do while learning How To Increase Website Traffic. You can do a lot more to make the most out of it. Just go ahead with WordPress. You can approach VWThemes if you require any kind of WordPress support.
Get More in WordPress Bundle
The most important and noteworthy thing about WordPress is that it is accessible for free and offers endless customization options. This extremely potent content management system has wide applications. Moreover, WordPress is easy to use. This is one of the reasons for its worldwide popularity. Wordpress is reliable too. It abides by strict international coding standards. It supplements more functionality with less cost. Considering all these factors, VWThemes uses WordPress for creating extremely useful and classy business themes. Our WordPress bundle has a unique collection of WordPress themes.