How To Get An SSL Certificate For Free - A Comprehensive Guide



Are you aware that Google marks all non-SSL websites as "not secure"? It means that if your website does not have an SSL certificate, your customers will likely lose trust in it. An SSL certificate is necessary to protect your website's data.

However, purchasing an SSL certificate can be expensive, which can be a problem if you're starting a blog or setting up a portfolio website. It is possible to get an SSL certificate for free and reduce the costs of your website. In this article, we will guide you on how to get an SSL certificate for free for your WordPress website and set it up on your own.

What Is SSL?

SSL is also known as Secure Sockets Layer. It is a way to protect the information that you share between your web browser and the website you are visiting. When you visit websites, you might share sensitive information like your credit card number, login details, or payment information. If you use the HTTP protocol, hackers can intercept this information. That's where SSL or HTTPS, comes in. Websites that use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) have a certificate that is verified by a recognized authority. 

This verification ensures that the website is authentic and secure for users to browse, as any data exchanged between the website and the user is encrypted and protected from prying eyes. This certificate is highlighted in your browser's address bar with a padlock sign and HTTPS instead of HTTP.

Is An SSL Certificate Necessary For Your Website?

It's essential to use SSL/HTTPS for all websites, especially those that collect user information like login credentials, payment details, and credit card information. It is crucial for online stores, membership sites, and sites that require users to log in. Obtaining an SSL certificate is essential for SSL WordPress website security, and most online payment services require it before you can accept payments.

In addition, SSL/HTTPS enhances your brand's trustworthiness and image, and Google recommends it. Research shows that SSL-enabled websites tend to rank higher in search results.

If your website doesn't use SSL, Google Chrome will display a warning to your users that your website is not secure.

How Does SSL Certificate Work?

SSL is a security protocol that encrypts information when it is transmitted from a user's browser to a website. This is achieved by converting the information into a code that only the intended recipient can decipher. When a user visits a website that uses SSL, their browser verifies the website's SSL certificate to ensure its authenticity. 

After verification, the browser uses the website's public key to encrypt the information into a code. The website then decodes the code back into the original information using a secret private key. This process ensures that the information transmitted between the user and the website remains confidential and secure.

How To Get An SSL Certificate For Free?

Getting an SSL certificate for free is achievable through different Certificate Authorities (CAs) and methods. Websites require Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates to keep user data secure. These certificates encrypt data that are sent between the website server and the user's browser. SSL certificate helps prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information. There are several ways to get an SSL certificate for free, and some of the popular ones are:

1. Let's Encrypt

Let's Encrypt is a well-known provider of SSL certificates operated by a non-profit organization known as the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG). Their mission is to create a more secure web by providing free SSL certificates that are easy to acquire, manage, and renew.

One of the main benefits of using Let's Encrypt is that it allows you to create Wildcard and Subject Alternative Name (SAN) certificates. You can install Let's Encrypt from your web hosting provider or manually by following the guidelines on how to install it. This makes it easy to generate SSL certificates for multiple websites.

Each certificate issued by Let's Encrypt is public, which demonstrates its transparency. If you have a domain name, you can easily apply for SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt to provide security and protection for your website and visitors.

2. GoDaddy

Everyone knows about GoDaddy, the reliable SSL provider that offers free and paid SSL certificates. GoDaddy's SSL certificates are compatible with all browsers.

It's important to note that while GoDaddy doesn't offer free SSL certificates, you can get one for free by purchasing other services. The duration of the free SSL certificate depends on the package you purchase.

Whether you have one website or many, GoDaddy protects you from any unexpected harm.

3. GoGetSSL

GoGetSSL is a reliable source to get an SSL certificate for free. They offer a 90-day free trial for SSL certificates, which you can use to try and test their services. The process is simple and takes only a few minutes to get domain validation (DV) SSLs. No paperwork or callback is required. This is an easy and quick way to secure your website.

Although GoGetSSL does not provide free SSLs, their 90-day free trial is a great option to try out their services. They also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are unsatisfied with their SSLs. 

If you find another SSL certificate provider with a better price, GoGetSSL will match that price. They offer the best possible price to save you money.

4. Bluehost

If you're looking for a web host, consider Bluehost. It's a popular and affordable option that offers free SSL certificates with any hosting plan. You'll also get a free domain name for the first year when you sign up. With Bluehost, you can have a secure website that's easy to manage and renew SSL certificates for.

5. SSL For Free

Anyone can quickly create SSL certificates with SSL for Free. It's completely free and works on all major browsers. You can get a 90-day certification, after which you need to renew the certificate manually. Renewing certificates is easy and only takes a few minutes every three months. 

By using SSL for Free, you can build trust with your customers and website visitors. It's a great way to protect your information and improve your site's ranking. Best of all, generating SSL certificates is 100% free. So far, over four million free SSL certificates have been generated and counting.


The methods mentioned above can help you obtain an SSL certificate for your website without any cost, ensuring that your online visitors' data remains secure and encrypted. Moreover, the Let's Encrypt website offers extensive documentation and support for different server configurations, which can guide you throughout the entire process. We hope this article will help you get an SSL certificate for free.

Additionally, consider incorporating premium WordPress themes to elevate your website's performance and aesthetics. These premium themes offer enhanced features, customization options, and a polished look, providing your digital marketing agency with a professional edge.

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