Importance Of SSL WordPress Website Security!

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer! You may think what it is! Well it is a system for securing HTTPS i.e Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. The SSL WordPress website security is Netscape’s protocol. This encrypts the connection between web server and web browser. This system basically works on securing the transaction between client and server program. It also secures the sensitive information like credit card number, social security number, login credentials from hacking. The SSL WordPress website security system was initially used as a framework for securing online transactions. It developed to secure authentication and encryption on network. All Premium WordPress Themes are available on VWthemes.

When you open a website, you are going to need a system to protect it from attacks. The SSL WordPress Themes website security is the best and only option for you to make that happen. You can use SSL plugins to make the work easy for you. These SSL plugins will protect your website from any and every cyber attack.

WordPress SSL plugins are hard to choose. There are thousands of them in the market. You need to choose only the best for your website. You need to find one which has the ability to stop hackers from attacking. The designated WordPress SSL plugin should be flexible and strong.

Whatever data you put in your WordPress website is provided on account of the usage of SSL/TSL cryptographic protocol. The protocol has three levels of protection.

1- is data encryption, this avoids data interception in WordPress.

2- is Data security! When you make any changes in the data, it will be thoroughly recorded.

3-  is Authentication. It protects the WordPress website from user redirection.

A lot of web developers use SSL or Secure Socket Layer is a protocol. The protocol helps in securing the data in the virtual domain. It secures connection between user’s browser and server. SSL encrypts the information for the transfer. The whole process is done by using HTTPS. These settings can be decrypted only with a special key.

The SSL WordPress website security is more reliable than the security camera in front of your house. To install the SSL WordPress website security you will need SSL certificate.

To get this certificate you have to go through a certain process. Each website on the internet or an ecommerce center uses them. This protocol involves asking for personal data from customers. This entire information is protected from hackers and dark net.

For finance related security SSL is effective. The transactional data involves card and bank details of both customer and seller. The SSL WordPress website security protects that data from leaking or any other attack.

This SSL WordPress website security of your website will determine the SEO of your website. Website is a medium between you and customers. The SSL system keeps this medium safer for the transactions.

Having a strong SSL WordPress website security will enhance your user experience. It will make customers feel trustworthiness about you. If your website loses any of these it can have direct effect to your finances.

Everything depends on SSL and HTTPS program of your website. That’s why you need to install SSL and HTTPS in our website! Also, Learn WordPress For Free with us.


To use the SSL and HTTPS in your WordPress website you need to have SSL certificate. You can even get the certificate by using some hosting plans. These plans can get you SSL certificate for free.

If you can’t find such plan for the certificate then you will have to buy it through third party. You have the liberty to ask your host to install it for you. This is the first step. After getting the SSL certificate you need to direct your WordPress website to use SSL and HTTPS.

You can put the SSL and HTTPS to work on a particular area of website or entire website. But if you decide to use it for entire website, this is the process you need to follow.

Go to dashboard in settings and into general. There scroll down to WordPress Address i.e URL and Site Address field. You need to replace http:// with https://. and save the changes.

If you want to add SSL certificate to your current site, you need to edit your .htaccess file. For this copy this code-

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

RewriteEngine On   RewriteCond % {SERVER_PORT}80  RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1   </IfModule>

Add it in your .htaccess file. Replace the with your website’s URL. Before proceeding with any of this make sure to backup your website so you won’t lose anything if something goes wrong.

If you want to go with a SSL plugin, we have a better suggestion for you!

Simple WordPress SSL:-

You can download and install any plugin from the plugin section of WordPress. But before installing any plugin, you need to be sure that it won’t wreck your website. Same thing applies with WordPress SSL plugins. It is recommended to take a backup of your website content before installing plugin. This simple WordPress SSL plugin redirects all requests to http. With this the home URL and site URL are changed to http as well. With the site URL it processes the complete scan and resolves the issues with it. You can also enable the translation feature with this plugin.

Auto-install free SSL:-

This WordPress SSL plugin is very popular. Many users have recommended this one. You can use this plugin on WordPress and cPanel server as well. According to your instructions, this plugin can install, resolve and automatically renew the program. You can set this WordPress SSL plugin without knowing anything about coding or programming. It doesn’t need root access for installation. This plugin can run on other web hosting control panels without the auto-installation feature.

This WordPress SSL plugin runs on your website domain and on other web hosts. With this plugin you can get access to WildCard SSL certification for free. You can decide the time of interval for the renewal of the SSL certificate.

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