The 5 Best WordPress Popup Plugins for 2023



In today's digital landscape, engaging visitors and converting them into loyal subscribers, customers, or leads is a top priority for website owners and marketers. WordPress popup plugins have emerged as essential tools to achieve these goals, offering a dynamic and attention-grabbing way to capture user attention and encourage interactions. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the top five WordPress popup plugins that have earned accolades for their versatility, user-friendliness, and conversion-driven features. From crafting eye-catching popups to leveraging advanced targeting techniques, these plugins empower website owners to create compelling user experiences and bolster their online growth strategies. Join us as we explore the intricacies and strengths of each plugin, helping you make an informed choice tailored to your website's unique needs and objectives.

Here are the 5 best WordPress popup plugins

1. OptinMonster:

OptinMonster ( is a powerhouse when it comes to WordPress popup plugins. It is designed to help website owners and marketers convert their visitors into subscribers, customers, and leads. One of its standout features is the wide array of popup types it offers, including lightbox popups, floating bars, slide-ins, and more. These popups can be created and customized using OptinMonster's intuitive drag-and-drop builder.

What sets OptinMonster apart is its focus on conversion optimization. The plugin offers a range of advanced targeting options, allowing you to display popups to specific segments of your audience. This includes exit-intent technology, which triggers a popup when a user is about to leave the site. Other triggers include time-based, scroll-based, and even inactivity-based triggers.

A/B testing is another feature that gives OptinMonster an edge. You can create different versions of your popups and test them to see which one performs better in terms of conversions. The built-in analytics help you track the performance of your popups, providing insights into views, conversions, and conversion rates.

  • Features: OptinMonster is a leading popup plugin with a focus on conversion optimization. It offers various types of popups, such as lightbox popups, floating bars, slide-ins, and more. It provides a powerful drag-and-drop builder, A/B testing, and advanced targeting options.
  • Highlights: Exit-intent technology, page-level targeting, built-in analytics, seamless integration with popular email marketing services, and advanced triggers.

Integration with popular email marketing services like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and more makes it seamless to connect OptinMonster with your existing email campaigns. It also offers integration with Google Analytics for deeper insights into user behavior. You can also read our blog 'Add google analytics WordPress' for more information on how to set up analytics.

2. Popup Maker:

Popup Maker ( is a versatile and user-friendly WordPress popup plugin. Its core feature is the drag-and-drop popup builder that lets you create custom popups without any coding knowledge. The plugin provides a variety of popup triggers, including exit intent, scroll, click, time delay, and more. This flexibility in triggers allows you to target your audience precisely, enhancing the chances of engagement and conversions.

Customizability is key with Popup Maker. You can design popups to match your website's branding, choose from various animation effects, and even include

custom HTML, images, or videos. It also supports GDPR compliance by enabling features like cookie consent and close button configurations.

  • Features: Popup Maker is a versatile plugin that lets you create customizable popups using an intuitive drag-and-drop builder. It supports a variety of popup triggers like exit-intent, scroll, click, time delay, and more. You can also control the appearance of popups on specific pages or for specific user roles.
  • Highlights: Customizable design, targeting rules, scheduling, integrations with email marketing services, Google Analytics tracking.

Popup Maker allows you to set display rules based on various conditions such as specific pages, user roles, devices, and even referring URLs. This means you can ensure that your popups are displayed to the right audience at the right time.

3. Bloom:

Bloom (, developed by Elegant Themes, specializes in helping you grow your email list through elegantly designed popups. While it offers various popup types, including popups, fly-ins, and inline forms, its primary focus is on providing an aesthetically pleasing experience for your users.

Bloom boasts an impressive selection of pre-designed templates, allowing you to easily create visually appealing popups that align with your website's design. You can customize these templates to match your branding, ensuring a consistent user experience.

The plugin supports a range of opt-in triggers such as timed delays, bottom-of-post forms, and exit-intent triggers. This flexibility in triggers enables you to capture your visitors' attention effectively. To fine-tune your popup's performance, Bloom offers A/B testing. This feature lets you compare different versions of your popups to determine which design or messaging resonates better with your audience.

  • Features: Bloom, part of the Elegant Themes package, is primarily focused on email opt-ins. It offers a range of pre-designed popup templates and customizable display options. It supports various opt-in types, such as pop-ups, fly-ins, and inline forms.
  • Highlights: A variety of templates, elegant designs, integration with popular email marketing platforms, detailed statistics, and split testing.

Bloom integrates seamlessly with major email marketing platforms like Mailchimp, A Weber, and more. This integration makes it easy to sync your captured leads directly with your email campaigns.

4. Sumo:

Sumo ( is an all-in-one suite of tools aimed at enhancing website growth, and its popup functionality is a standout feature. It offers customizable popup templates and a wide range of display options to cater to different types of websites and audiences.

Sumo's popup builder is user-friendly, allowing you to create and customize popups without the need for coding skills. The plugin offers a variety of triggers, including exit-intent, scroll, time delay, and click triggers. This enables you to engage users at the optimal moment.

One of Sumo's strengths is its integration with e-commerce platforms. It provides specific popup templates designed to increase conversions and sales for online stores. Additionally, Sumo includes social sharing buttons and heat maps, giving you insights into user interactions and behavior on your site.

  • Features: Sumo provides a suite of tools for growing websites, including popup functionality. It offers customizable popup templates, advanced display rules, and A/B testing. Sumo also includes features like social sharing buttons, heat maps, and e-commerce integrations.
  • Highlights: Social sharing tools, e-commerce integrations, heat maps, detailed analytics, seamless integration with various marketing services.

A/B testing is available to help you optimize your popups for better performance. Sumo also integrates seamlessly with email marketing services, making it convenient to funnel your captured leads directly into your email campaigns.

5. Hustle by WPMU DEV:

Hustle ( is a robust WordPress popup plugin developed by WPMU DEV. It empowers you to create various types of popups, slide-ins, and opt-in forms to effectively capture your visitors' attention and grow your subscriber list. It is also an Email Marketing Plugin.

Hustle's design customization options are extensive, allowing you to create visually appealing popups that align with your brand identity. The plugin offers a variety of templates and themes that cater to different industries and purposes.

In terms of triggers, Hustle provides a wide range of options, including exit intent, time delay, scroll, click, and more. This ensures that you can engage your users using the trigger that suits your goals best. Advanced targeting options enable you to display popups based on factors like user behavior, page-specific targeting, and more.

Hustle features A/B testing, which allows you to compare different versions of your popups to identify which design or content drives higher conversions. Integration with major email marketing platforms ensures that your captured leads seamlessly integrate with your email campaigns.

  • Features: Hustle is a feature-rich plugin that offers various types of popups, slide-ins, and opt-in forms. It provides a wide range of customization options for design, behavior, and targeting. Hustle also includes A/B testing and integrates with major email marketing services.
  • Highlights: A/B testing, customization options, advanced targeting, analytics, seamless integration with email marketing services.


Each of these five WordPress popup plugins offers a unique set of features and functionalities. The choice ultimately depends on your specific needs, preferences, and goals for your website. Take the time to explore their websites, consider the features they provide, and select the one that best aligns with your objectives for engaging your audience and driving conversions.

The WordPress theme bundle offered here provides a comprehensive and versatile collection of themes that cater to a wide range of website needs. From sleek and minimalistic designs to bold and vibrant layouts, this bundle ensures that every website creator finds a theme suitable for their unique vision. Speaking of enhancing website functionality, "The 5 Best WordPress Popup Plugins" complement this bundle perfectly. These plugins empower website owners with the ability to create engaging popups that capture visitor attention effectively. Whether it's for capturing leads, promoting special offers, or simply delivering important messages, these popup plugins integrate seamlessly with the themes in the bundle, resulting in a powerful and cohesive web design and user engagement strategy.

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