Managing website and grabbing more and more attention is not easy. You have to be consistence with the posts in your website. These posts will attract viewers and keep them engaged in it. You can also split single post into multiple pages to improve the look of it.
There are various methods by which you can split single post. We are going to look into them here. Grabbing viewer’s attention its not as easy as it sounds. But using pagination techniques will definitely help you with this.
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Why Is Splitting Single Post Is Effective?
To provide a relatable and interesting content consistently you don’t need to know about coding. You don’t even have to be a SEO beast. Only being aware of what to put there and what will work is enough. But again, in which form you are presenting the content is also important.
You constantly have to impress your viewers. They shouldn’t face any issue while operating website. That’s why the format in which you are presenting your content counts. A long and wordy content will be informative but not attractive. It will bore the viewers.
To split single post in multiple pages or pagination within posts, there are multiple ways. By splitting single post into multiple pages you sort the wordy information into pieces. This makes the viewers understand the topic more clearly. Without losing the attention of readers you can make your point.
A lot of modern web developers use split single post to multiple pages technique to improve their SEO. If you already have long and wordy posts on your page, you should come up with a better strategy to promote your work. By doing this you will have more advantages!
The long post on your page will appear in short and catchy format on multiple pages. Your will become light weight and won’t clutter. It will become easier to navigate and scroll through. It will considerably increase your page’s views. It will make your available more virtual space where you can put banners, advertisements and more.
How To Split Single Post?
To split single post into multiple pages, you need to put a code. That code is-
&It;! –nextpage ->
Now you need to copy this code and paste it where you want to split single post. You can use this code as many times as you want. You just need to place the cursor where you want to split the post. There the page breaker will appear and in that page breaker you need to paste the code.
While doing this make sure you are using Text Mode instead of visual mode on your WordPress website. Click on publish to save the changes. After this your long post will show links of the pages viewers can find the remaining part of the post. The links will be highlighted in plain numbers.
You can change the link style if you want. Just go through WordPress Codex and use the given tags.
If this method feels too much for you or if it’s not working, then you always have an option to install plugin. There are several plugin that might help you to split single post into multiple pages. We have some suggestions for you!
1. WP Page Navi:-
It is one of the best plugins used to split single post in multiple pages. It comes with simple features that will help you with the task. Go to dashboard in plugins and from add new search for this plugin. Install and activate this plugin.
Then go to its settings. You will find multiple page navigation text settings. Texts for number of pages, for current page, for first page, last page etc. You can even decide the style of it. After making all changes click on save and the job will be done!
2. Alphabetic Pagination:-
This plugin is really good for Ecommerce websites. Alphabetic pagination will accurately organize all your product pages. Among tons of your products, categories and filters this plugin will smoothly sort them out.
It used pagination functionality on your WP post. In its settings you will find a lot styling and controlling options. Its totally up to you how you use them.
3. WP Paginate:-
This plugin is well known in the industry. It works for both posts and comments. With this plugin you will be able to add custom CSS for pagination links.
This WP Paginate plugin comes with a lot of niche centric themes. It has some in-built templates too which you can use to enhance the layout.
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