When you are thinking about implementing your idea to build a great website, you must keep in mind the end user’s experience from the very start. From the time you are deciding to come up with the layout and concept of your WordPress website, you should consider the user experience your site will be giving. The interaction of visitors with your website is largely affected by the user experience. It decides how long the visitors will stay on your site and bring conversions to you. This article covers some of the ways that make sure you are focusing more on user experience when you are working on the designing and development of your site.
Consider the preferences of your site
Start from considering your own personal preferences when you want to design your WordPress website. It depends a lot on the experience you get on looking at your WordPress website. So, you can decide the kind of experience you want to give to your clients when they visit your site. You may include the following preferences and make your website give a good user experience.
Scannable text for the web

No matter how much you have to say through your website, it’s not effective to add tons of content on your site. Try to avoid adding dense blocks of texts on your web pages. Make the text scannable, which include small paragraphs, many subheadings, and mesmerizing images throughout the web pages. In this way, you can segment the texts and engage user participation on your site.
Good Fonts
Make use of simple fonts that are easily identifiable. Avoid using too stylish and curly scripts. Use those fonts that are accepted by all browser types universally. To make your website give a good user experience, add Google fonts on your site.
White Space
I believe that less is more. When you are thinking about building an easy-to-use website, you need to think about the entire design of your site. You need to think about the places where you don’t want to put any content and leave it as a white space. A sufficient amount of white space on your website is healthy for your WordPress website. It helps in making the text scannable and makes it easy for them to find what they are searching for.
Functional Links

See that the links inserted within the blog posts are easily identifiable. They should be highlighted or underlined using an attractive color unlike the one used the body text. Make sure that all the links are in working condition. A broken or dead link creates a very bad impression about your site on the visitors. You can make use of Broken Link Checker plugin to prevent the occurrence of broken links on your site.
Analyze the industry
To make your website more user-friendly, do research the industry type. It is concerned with the design of your website. The types of visitors arriving on websites vary from industry to industry and you should not ignore the visitor expectations from your site. Let’s take an example - say you want to build a WordPress Theme E-commerce Store. Any potential visitor would wish to see the theme of your site in a specific way that relates to WordPress theme building. He would expect to see a variety of WordPress themes, functionality, features, prices, special offers, demo, support services, and a lot more. Make sure that your site has all the vital functions relevant to your industry. If you fail to do so, your website visitors will find confusion while viewing your site.
Consider the different screen sizes
VW Fitness WordPress Theme on different devices
To make your site give a good user experience, pay attention to the fact that mostly, people surf websites from devices that have different screen sizes. This won’t be an issue for you if your website is mobile responsive. A mobile-friendly website makes sure that your site appears smooth on desktops, laptops, tablet PCs, smartphones, and any other handy gadget. Your site will be easily accessible on almost every device.

You will find easy navigation on user-friendly websites. Don’t be over-creative with respect to handling the menus. A drop-down feature that has numerous more drop-downs into it is not appreciated by people. A cluttered and messy menu is not going to do wonders for your site. Try to make the navigation as easy as possible for the visitors and place the navigational elements at appropriate places on your site.
Wrapping up
All the tips mentioned above are the standard practices you should use for your website irrespective of the platform on which your website is created. With WordPress platform, it becomes easy for you to make a website that gives a good user experience. The credit goes to the extreme qualities and the features of WordPress CMS.
If you want to build a dynamic website using WordPress themes, try VWThemes. Our Premium WordPress Themes are powerful enough to build professional, modern, and highly responsive websites for you. Grab our themes and get the best experience of web development.
For any website to give a good user experience, the basic and primary thing you need to do is market research. You need to study the type of industry for which you are about to establish a website. Analyze the pre-requisites for the website. This WordPress Theme Bundle by VWThemes has thoughtfully designed themes. Our designers have done detailed research before designing the theme for the concerned business type. Our themes are responsive and have a minimum loading time. All of them are user-friendly to give the best performance.