Are Personalized WordPress Themes Really Worth Your Investment?

WordPress is a free platform that is used worldwide for web creation. It is a versatile CMS that can be used to make blogs as well as functional websites. Indeed, WordPress is an ideal option to make highly successful websites. As WordPress is open-source, most of the websites made on this platform look somehow the same to the web users. But, this is not advantageous if you require a unique website for your brand identity. No worries! You have a better option – Personalized WordPress Themes. The custom themes can set up branded WordPress websites for you.

What are Personalized WordPress Themes

Usually, the WordPress themes are divided into two – Free themes and Premium themes. They can be freely downloaded by anybody. On the other hand, custom-designed themes are paid themes that are not available for free download. They are precisely created to meet the requirements of a particular business.

There are a number of web development companies as well as freelancers who develop unique Personalized WordPress Themescustom designed themes. The theme developer must have a sound knowledge of the WordPress content management systems. Also, he needs to be well versed with languages such as PHP, CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. The designed WordPress theme has to be compatible with the different WordPress versions and also the widgets and plugins. along with this learn why WordPress Is Perfect with VWTHEMES.

From the above graph, we can see a simple comparison among the different WordPress themes viz. Free, Premium and Custom designed themes. The Custom WordPress Themes are shown most capable for building any website.

How much a custom designed theme cost?

Every design and development project involves a number of factors to decide the price of the Personalized WordPress Themes. The factors you need to consider are given below:

  • Specifications of the custom designed themes
  • Time duration required to complete the project
  • You hire a theme developer or a web development company
  • Apart from development the extra services required

So, the price entirely depends upon the requirement of your project. Small projects take a small amount whereas lengthy projects take much effort and time. Also, it is expensive to go for creating custom themes rather than purchasing a premium theme.

Are Personalized WordPress Themes Really Fruitful?

The major demerit of custom themes is the high cost. However, if you really want to get benefitted by the themes, custom-designed themes are really worth investing in.

  • Complete ownership to a WordPress theme

Usually, you only get partial ownership of the premium WordPress themes. You get to make customizations in them to meet the requirements of your website. Still, the theme won’t be entirely in your hands as it is the developer who has its complete ownership. After the theme is completed the developer will give the ownership to you. Further, you can use it for your own or offer it to others for free or paid.

  • Need a Remarkable WordPress website

If you want a theme that is completely unique and out of this world, then Personalized WordPress Themesthemes would be great for you. With these themes, you get complete control over how your website is going to appear. Moreover, you can incorporate specific functionality on your site that you may not find in free or paid themes. You get complete control of the themes and full ownership.

  • Advantages of WordPress Themes
  • Theme Regularity

The different WordPress themes are distinct and they are made using various approaches by the developers. The core pages within the themes are common in all of them. As far as the structure and coding are considered, there is a little regularity. When it comes to HTML, CSS, PHP as well as naming conventions to the different functions, you can see a wide difference. Therefore, tasks such as modifying column widths and working on comments, take more time. Thus, we see that for such situations, custom-designed themes prove out to be beneficial.

  • Offers Uniqueness

Well, if your website is the most useful one as compared to others but has common looks, it may get lost. A Majority of the websites are covered by WordPress and we see the popularity of the default “twenty” WordPress themes. People won’t really get impressed if your website is common like others and lacks uniqueness. Possibly, it may not drive ample online traffic. You may lose potential customers. On the other hand, you can form unique websites with custom WordPress themes.

  • Increased Speed

Is your WordPress theme properly optimized? Maybe the speed is good but not impressive. Perhaps, you require it to be more impressive so as to catch the audience. There are some old functions such as query_posts(). Your theme might be using this older function instead of get_posts(). These are the two querying functions that work the same way but still, the query_posts() is more database intensive.

As you have complete control, you can manage the queries, modify the content and optimize the codes. So, the Personalized WordPress Themes turn out to be really advantageous.

  • Quicker development

After getting your first WordPress theme, you’ll be required to form your own WordPress framework. To make a base for your WordPress project, you will require different files, WordPress functions, styles as well as a structure. It largely depends on the methods you use for coding and the preferences you know. Updating and modifying your WordPress theme will become very easy.

  • Better Search Engine Optimization

For search engine optimization of your website, ample plugins are available online. For sure, you will want to have complete control over all the search engine optimization aspects of your website. At every step of website development, SEO plays a vital role.

It is responsible for deciding the rank of your website over search engines. It’s easy to go for on-page SEO from the start rather than modifying the code of a readily available WordPress theme. For example, when you want to add a meta description or title in the post or page type, the custom-designed themes make it a lot easy for you.

The custom-designed themes offer wide benefits. So, would you like to have them? VWThemes is waiting to serve you with top-quality web solutions. We can give you Personalized WordPress Themes exactly as per your requirements and specifications. Come to us.

Undoubtedly, custom-designed themes are best for designing a unique website. The best part of the customized WP theme is that you own it completely. While the theme is in the designing stage, you can tell the developer or developing agency to add particular functions in the theme as per your need.

You get total control of your website as the custom-designed themes are considered as most capable. The only drawback associated with custom-designed themes is their high cost. VW themes provide the facility of Personalized WordPress Themes. We also provide WordPress Bundle having such amazing themes.

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