Some Tips To Hire WordPress Theme Developer For Your Project

In today’s market, many developers are available to cater to varying web needs. You will have to think of ways to lineup the one you want to hire. You need to check out their performance abilities and how cooperative they are at work. Nevertheless, you can do this by going through their website. A developer’s website must look professional and impressive. If it is not appealing, you can expect them to do a poor job for you. Hire a WordPress theme developer by taking into consideration all the important aspects.

Their website must well showcase their earlier and existing clients and their feedback. It’s a proof of their capabilities and professionalism that even the clients are recommending them. Though this doesn’t necessarily mean that the developer is not without these things, But it is easier to trust someone who has experience and can fix your issues even before telling you. 1.

Top 5 Tips To Hire WordPress Theme Developer

1. Hiring a WordPress developer? Here Are A Few Benefits You Can get:

Websites are a great way of generating revenue for your business, but to reap such a benefit, you do need to invest on the creative side in order to make your business website more interactive and intuitive. As not every one of us is a skilled and professional WordPress developer, we need to look for someone who is proficient in developing such websites for us. A certified WordPress developer is always a better choice since he or she has plenty of knowledge and is able to deliver the best results for your website. So if you are aiming to hire a WordPress developer, you are certainly making the right call, as you get a lot of benefits from it.

A WordPress developer knows all the know-how, right from the development of a theme to its management and theme customization; all the work is taken care of by the developer as he or she knows things in detail. You just need to give your requirements to the developer, as he or she will come up with exceptional designs that will never fail to attract the target audience.

  • Support: Being from a non-technical background, it is not possible to have an idea about WP or its functioning. So hiring a developer is always good. This is because you will have somebody to look up for assistance. He or She can guide you regarding the website’s maintenance and other issues.
  • Quality work In Less Time: An expert is an expert and there is no replacement for this. Likewise, when you hire a WordPress Expert, you get your work done with high efficiency and precision. Being pro in the work, a professional developer will deliver the best results in minimum time.
  • Data Security: Keeping your data secure is very very important as you cannot afford it to go into the wrong hands. Hiring a WP developer guarantees more security and confidentiality as he/she will take complete care that your data is in a secure place.

2. Choosing The Right Company Before You Hire WordPress Theme Developer

These are the points that will assist you to make the right choice.

Determine The Kind Of Website You Need

Not all websites are the same, right? So it is way more important for you to distinguish and pinpoint the desired functionalities for your website. Once you decide the purpose and what your website has to do with the visitors, it becomes easy to look for the desired features. For example, if you are willing to establish an online marketplace or an online shop, you will need an eCommerce site. So when you hire a WordPress developer, you need to make sure that he/she has enough experience in working for such kinds of websites because only an expert developer having prior experience will know the challenges faced while designing eCommerce websites.

Look For Compatibility

While you hire a WordPress developer or a WordPress development company, you are hiring a technology partner and hence it becomes important to know your partner as this is going to be a long term alliance. Know about their working standards, their efficacy, and the quality of work they deliver.

Analyze The Level Of Support You Want

Support can be of various levels. Like, you can get support for resetting your password, there is website support where you can ask to do the desired changes to your site at regular intervals to keep up the pace with the changing scenario. So many theme development companies and web designers offer support for a limited period of time and then you have to pay some extra buck to keep on availing the support facility. Though most of the developers provide support,  you need to make sure that what level of support you need for your site and is that kind of support provided by your chosen company.

Pay Attention To Detailing

A good WordPress developer knows how small things can be used effectively to make you shine on social platforms. Attention to effective use of such small elements can do wonders in establishing your brand identity. Hire such WordPress developers that know how social media, effective content, and other things can be utilized to keep your best foot forward.

3. These Are The Best Places To Hire WordPress Theme Developer


You can hire experienced developers with excellent skills here at Toptal. It is an excellent site to find and hire WordPress developers. Though it was initially created for freelancers, many professional developers with years of experience can be easily found here. It is likely to be a fine option as it hosts a wide base of talented developers working on different domains and technologies.


If you are willing to hire a developer, you will get plenty of talented software developers as well as web developers at Hire. Most of the WP employers use Hire’s pipeline for finding the custom matches for their WP development projects. If you own a development company and want to hire developers, you can simply create a company profile, look for candidates as per your requirements, and request them for interviews in order to work on your WP theme or website project.


Upwork is definitely one of the leaders when it comes to hiring freelance WP developers. It is among the largest marketplaces with many talented registered freelance WP programmers. This is certainly a nice platform as you can have the advantage of hiring developers for short and simple tasks or for a long term alliance doing a series of complex WP theme projects.

People Per Hour

People Per Hour is quite similar to Upwork and has millions of registered freelancers. Here freelancers are able to post their job listings that are called hourlies. You can easily post jobs, and contact the freelancers. Its method of paying for the number of hours worked makes it a potentially effective choice.


You will find a large number of WP developers registered with Freelancer. WP Theme development is a popular search category for jobs as well as projects. Here you can vet and manage the candidate’s interviews, manage the payments all by yourself. So it is always an affordable option.

Get An Idea About Pricing While You Hire WordPress Theme Developer

There are certain grounds of comparison which will give you an idea about how much you need to pay for your WP website or WP theme. Most people hire WordPress developers either to get a new and fresh website for their project or to fix the problems in the existing website.  So it makes complete sense to compare the amount of money charged by developers for such kinds of tasks. To do so, knowing about the costs of developers who work on other popular CMS such as Drupal and Joomla and working as freelancers as well as in salaried positions will give a fair idea. So the next step is to decide the cost. But how will you know what cost will be perfect for a WordPress developer?

The price varies with the amount of time your website will take for its completion and also with the hourly rate depending upon the developer’s skills. If I say that I will hire a WordPress developer who will charge less on a per hour basis but if he is taking double the time as compared to the developer with skills charging a bit more, this won't be a money-saving deal because ultimately, you are paying more (as your project is requiring more time due to its complexity). So it is always better to know the total website project cost and the hourly rate for the same task. With this, you can now have a fair idea of the total cost you need to pay and which way you can save a few bucks for yourself.

5. Hire Experienced and Expert WordPress Theme Developers At VWThemes

The ultimate goal of hiring a WordPress developer is to get an exceptional WordPress website. Today, where you have thousands of WordPress developers claiming to give the best outcomes, you need to rely on the best and the most experienced ones. With ever-changing trends and technologies, only an experienced web developer can lead you to a future-ready website. VWThemes is a popular name when you talk about WordPress themes and website development. VWThemes cultivates the years of experience of their developers in this field and delivers outstanding websites for your WordPress projects. At VWThemes, you will find pro developers with plenty of experience in WordPress website development. These experts know all the technical know-how of WP websites and are dedicated to working day in and day out to customer’s satisfaction.

The moment you start looking for the best WP developers, you will definitely see VWThemes on the list.  The developers here have a plethora of experience in the WP domain and are keen to implement the changing trends in their work. You will find a family of techno-savvy geeks who always strive to deliver only the best by keeping up with changing market trends and web design standards. If you want to know the working standard, you can simply have a look at the themes, as they themselves will reveal the quality of work you will get. So hire the best developers here and rest assured.

Prepare The Contract And Guidelines For Project

After you hire a WordPress theme developer, be clear about your project and it’s milestones. The best thing to do is to write down everything in writing before initiating the work. This will help you both know what exactly is expected. The different things that you need to incorporate in your contract and project guidelines should be:

  • Total charges of the project, including advance payments and milestones
  • Since it is a “work for hire” project, the copyright will be retained by you
  • Before making the WordPress theme live, look for the testing requirements and revisions
  • The communication mode whether via phone, email or in person,
  • Time estimation for the completion of project

Apart from this, there could be certain other specific things that you need to include in your contract. Remember that it’s a business deal; therefore, you have to be specific and detailed regarding everything written in the contract.


Surely, you would want to hire a WordPress theme developer who is talented and upon whom you can depend. However, even if he is talented but uncooperative or unable to deliver on time, you will regret that you chose him.

If you would like to hire a WordPress theme developer or are interested in creating e-commerce websites, VWThemes can help you out. Contact us if you require our services.

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