‘Free’ is the word filled with excitement and opportunities. No human on this earth would feel sad hearing this word. It brings twinkle in their eyes and lifts their spirits somehow. But another thought makes them wonder, why is it free? The same thing happens with WordPress. WordPress is the best platform for web hosting and everyone knows that. It is currently used by approx. 19 million websites on the internet. It has gained absolutely blind trust of customers around the world. Started as a blogging site, it’s holding the first place in web hosting since more than 10 years. But why would someone make such a precious service free? WordPress has the potential to make a lot of money from. But it’s still free, why? To look for an answer to why is WordPress free, we need to understand how the monetization works on it.

WordPress is free because it is an open source. Being an open source means the software allows its users to use, modify and redistribute. Sounds great! But it has a drawback that the open source software doesn’t provide any customer support. It doesn’t give any warranty or guarantee of its service.
WordPress has formed a community of WordPress users and people who work there. In this community you will get help for the issues you are facing with your WordPress website. Many times users help each other resolve the issues. WordPress has a big community for this purpose.
Being an open source, WordPress is free for use, modify and distribution. But it does cost for some features you may like in your website. Features like plugins, themes or templates are necessary for website and you will have to spend some for them.
If you are wondering how WordPress makes money being the best web hosting solutions on the internet; then here’s the answer. The co-founder of WordPress Matt Mullenweg runs company names ‘Automattic’. This company provides WordPress solutions for WordPress .com. It is also a free hosting solution. If you want to get more features or upgrade your service you have to pay for it.
WordPress gives you an option to use commercial plugins and themes. There are almost 4000 free themes and 45,000 free plugins in WordPress . But if you want to you can buy some premium themes or plugins for your website. There’s a huge difference between free WordPress themes and premium WordPress themes.
WordPress free themes come with some basic features that help you in establishing website. With the given tools you can build a website with basic and necessary features. Your website will work fine on the internet and bring you desired results.
While in Premium WordPress theme, you will have to pay a price. You need to buy domain name, hosting services, plugins and more from different places and add then into your website. This will give you a website you designed with bits and pieces. This will surely cost you money.
You will find thousands of companies providing premium WordPress themes according to professions. Companies like VWThemes has gained a lot of recognition in this area. At VWThemes you will get more than 110 premium WordPress themes for several different professions. You can buy them for 40$ only.
Here you will get WordPress free themes as well with all the premium features. The themes at VWThemes have SEO, responsive layout, sections, templates, Woocommerce & contact form 7 plugin and customer support as well. They even provide WordPress Theme bundle containing all the themes.
You can start your website journey with WordPress .com. It is also called as managed WordPress hosting. It doesn’t offer much features and you won’t be able to monetize your site. You can upgrade to premium plan if you want the extra features. Including custom theme, plugins and other features you will end up spending 300$ approx. per year.
You can use WordPress on your own server or a server you rented. This method is named as self-hosted WordPress theme. For this you will need to get WordPress .org as your host. Here you will have to pay for the server and buy all the features you want in your website.
If we calculate properly, you will have to spend minimum 50$ on custom theme. A self-hosted plan will cost you 100$ per year. This cost varies according to the web hosting company. You will have to spend a lot of premium plugins in your website. Also, you will spend some on extra features.
If look right, you will find all the things you need in one premium WordPress theme. Another difference between WordPress ’ hosting packages it that WordPress .com is rigid with the functioning. It will give you a ready-to-use theme where you have to only put the content. It won’t allow you to customize the website as you want.
WordPress .org hosting gives you the freedom where you can customize your website. You can decorate your website the way you want. WordPress free themes and premium themes play a vital role in this. In WordPress .org you will have to spend more than WordPress .com, but it is totally worth.
The fate of your website depends on your choice of WordPress theme. In WordPress .org, having perfectly built theme will take away a lot of stress off your head. Companies like VWThemes will give you the best options in this area.
VWThemes offer WordPress themes with complete customization theory. You will be able to customize the layout of the theme if you want. They have WordPress themes for businesses and services as well. All you need to do is buy the theme you want, make some changes you want, give it your touch, add content, add features and install plugins that will make it all easy for you.
The whole process costs more than 100$. But it’s a long term instalment. So the WordPress is free, but not ‘priceless’.